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Volume 12; June 2014


Richard Delaye
EPISTÉMÈ 2014;12:3-8.
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Cultural transmission, more than a cultural material brought in culturalheritage to a community which recognizes itself through what it conveyssuch as a deep sense of a identity structuring, can be lived as anexchange of mutual enrichment within a space where interact people andvalues, the cross-cultural space. In this situation where the individualstrying to exchange and to bloom mutually must go beyond the constraintsof personal blockings or attitudes of foreign rejection, the internationalstudents represent a situation prone population to this generous anddynamic interface. Among this population, the original management sciencestudents in sub-Saharan Africa and China appear to be particularlysensitive to the issue of intercultural transmission and its implementationin everyday life. The relationship to the nature and the place of theinvisible world in explanation of any human action provides its involvementin cross-cultural situations. Dynamics allows players to set up a gamewithin which the culture develops correlation links with the changingenvironment and sustainable cultural structure capacities. In this unstablereality, the cultural openness becomes the condition for effective cross-cultural transmission and successful professional integration. Brakesare overtaken with the emergence of distinctive intercultural skills. Lifeskills related to your real-life experience, which draw from the family,social experience and the cultural referents act as so many factors ofperformance, employability and renewed mobility.
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Advertising Communication and Generational Approach
Agnès Pecolo;Myriam Bahuaud
EPISTÉMÈ 2014;12:35-56.
Sermonizer children, Head of family’s teenagers, the advertisement products regularly failing adults and by that a weak transmission. The “kidult” together with the adult childish, the one of the “juvenile senior” or also the one of “tweens” which call for the redefinition of the childhood outlines, are all indicators of a muddle of ages, of life cycle and of the implementing generation in our contemporary societies and which the advertising exploites with pleasure. They question a society soaked of cult of youth, nostalgic and depressed. In this contribution, we concentrate on the way the advertisement in the years 2000, by the mean of classical models of generational differentiation and other more contemporary, plays with this confusion of borders and participates to the social construction of life ages.
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The cities involved in the development of both artistic heritage and urban enrolling in history and great civilization movements. Davallon proposes the concept of reverse affiliation, in the sense that this is not a generation that transmits a heritage to the present generation, but the latter that recognizes itself as the depositary of traces of the past that it has selected. Nice town on the Mediterranean coast was a very special urban development during the nineteenth century, drawing the aristocracy and the European bourgeoisie. These have left a legacy to the city, about 130 villas called “Folies” built by rank and artistic tastes of the owner. However, the expansion of the city during the second half of the twentieth century has been to the detriment of this heritage, almost half of these ”follies“ were destroyed during the construction of large real estate projects. A indifference and the first resignation of Nice, succeeded a strong defense motion of these places considered by the population as the memory of the identity of the city. Faced with this powerful popular movement, transmission and preservation of this heritage are no longer considered part of Nice folklore, but as a major issue of political communication of the candidates for mayor of Nice posing the problem of destination these iconic places. The transmission now has a dual character: vertical, in the sense that it is realized, over time, towards future generations; horizontal because it promotes political and social communication between different areas of the city.
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EcoBalade: Multiple Transmissions of a Mobile Object
Lorrys Gherardi
EPISTÉMÈ 2014;12:81-103.
Technology package designed around a web platform, a digital nature guide and the presence of a naturalist guide, the écoBalade intends to be a training vector service for transmissions and discovery of the fauna and flora commons and remarkable in a given territory. With the help of is a tool of naturalistic observations or its smartphone, the user has the possibility to identify a species, to score an observation and sharing his discoveries within a user community. Each new application leads to measurable effects for most a fairly normal and an expected manner. However, users feedback on this service have led us to identify other functions that the “only” knowledge management of local biodiversity. Indeed, intergenerational transmission of technologic knowledge, culinary, patrimonial and natural knowledge has been raised by the eco-players. The intermediations and collective co-construction of the equipment écoBalade assumes that the project is primarily an experimentation of creation and then an usage innovation. But in what écoBalade is a tool of intergenerational and patrimonial transmissions?The observation will initially focus on the assessment and management constraints and assimilation by the eco-players. We will use interviews and questionnaires on the new use of this new technology. We will question the subjects in the control group on the functionality and openness of the service itself.
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This contribution asks the mechanisms and effects going with pedagogical interaction. It puts in perspective the concepts of transmission, mediation and relations. Indeed, the pedagogical interaction isn’t the enouncing of a discourse or the transmission of a knowledge. It’s through the relationships between teacher and learners that get out some forms of communication. The retroaction facilitates the didactical exchanges when the metacommunication explains the knowledges. Finally, the retrotransmission underlines the part of the intersubjective communication in pedagogical frame.
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The Use of Rituals and Symbols in Higher Education: Transmitters or Alienation Vectors?
Martine Cazier;Richard Delaye;Yves Enrègle
EPISTÉMÈ 2014;12:129-163.
Following a transdisciplinary research day organized on the theme “Business and sacred” [4], most of the articles submitted related to the ambiguous question of the rite. Whether the ritual of annual appraisals, rites observed in the prestigious training school for officers of the French Air Force (Ecole de l’Air) or culture corporate Michelin, we can admit that “no leader can ignore this dimension without the risk of weakening the organization” (Lardellier & Delaye, 2012). In reality, we are forced to recognize that the rite brings a bond that transcends and forges the identity of the group by giving it meaning and order essential to its survival. Without rites, it is difficult to perpetuate memory and tradition and therefore the transmission.
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Companies face many losses knowledge during retirement, transfer, resignation of their employees. The problems related to poor circulation of knowledge management and increase the risk of errors in the work. As part of a reflection conducted in organizations, the transmission of knowledge is defined as a largely dependent relationship of exchange of the learning environment. This article is part of a technological process of restitution of knowledge according to the methodology of grounded theory (Glaser, Strauss, 1967) with five companies deplores many failures in the learning activity. Managers have valued the use of technology without even considering a different approach of the potential role of technological transmission (Baujard, 2010). “The missions become more scalable in a changing institutional framework. The structure of workforce age pyramid implies a retirement and therefore a loss massive skills”(org. B). This is how and to what extent technological processes determine the transmission of knowledge while considering how the actors within these organizations use and perceive it to change and make sense of organizational learning. The context (1) is an opportunity to consider the complexity of the social environment in work activities (2). The discussion of results will be an opportunity to raise theoretical shortcomings of our methodology in the light of the object of study (3). Technological transmission coordinates various functions necessary to the challenges of Learning in Organizations (4).
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Juvenile Violence: A Mode of Media Transmission
다니엘 모아티
EPISTÉMÈ 2014;12:183-205.
The intergenerational transmission of Republican and moral values through the school system raises the agreement of all. These values remain transmitted the values of the French Republic summarized by the motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. They are those of the Declaration of the Human Rights and the Citizen of 1789, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, protection of property and persons, solidarity, protection of the weak by the Republic. However, this ideal fails to be transmitted due to a strong disturbance to which neither the police nor the appeal to reason could not stop because media violence is needed via the most extreme films and video games with a computer-dependent youth to television screens, digital and connected. A trivialization of media violence satisfies the normalization of juvenile violence which in turn leads to a violence-against-profile adult. A vicious circle snaps and it is difficult to understand how to stop it.
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The maintenance of the teenage population mental retardation within this system, perversely, is facilitated by function of the institution, and in particular by the culture and the transmission of institutional violence through which it is regulated. This research proposes to demonstrate how the proximity and heterogeneity of the inmates, the complexity of the mission entrusted to the institution, the sanction of institutionalising a child, and the working conditions of the staff, all have resulted in a combination which is complex, pathogenic and intractable.
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Corporal Experts: Between to Inherit, Transmit and Innovate
Stéphane Héas
EPISTÉMÈ 2014;12:225-243.
Experts (oenologist, nose of perfumery, fakir, contortionist, imitator, etc.) develop a sensitivity, a body’s empowered to be able to live professionally. Enter in this peculiar profession is often realized through transmission by a peer. Over time, tangible performance may be decline, threatening the existence of such professional experts. The question of the transmission of these specific knowledges intervenes in the course of these professionals, investigated by semi-structured interviews.
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The Ethical Perspective of Teaching Languages-Cultures
Hoda Khayat;Hamid Reza Shairi;Rouhollah Rahmatian;Roya Letafati
EPISTÉMÈ 2014;12:247-272.
The ethical dimension of teaching is rooted in dynamicity which in turn is in an interrelated and trans-individuality space. This dynamicity is generated by forces which reflect the ways human subjects act. Insofar as ethics opens a perspective to the other individual, the ideal and the new action, we are in a deictic orientation which gives the symbolic gestures a pragmatic dimension. Thus, the interaction ethico-didactic provides teaching-learning process with a performative and anthropological sense. So, it would be interesting to use the applied predicates which relate the educational subject with other individual. In which sense are these predicates available to create ethical-didactic activities?Our task is therefore to examine the application of predicates which would lead us to an action or a social project created by the ethical sense.
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Some Critical Remarks on the Urban Semiotics of Seoul
EPISTÉMÈ 2014;12:273-314.
Although Seoul has such a long history of more than six hundreds years as the capital city, it seems still far from laying groundwork for methodological approach or comprehensive documentation of academic discipline designated as ‘Seoul Studies’, some of which place great emphasis on its historical and geographical studies rather than integrated research or semiotic analysis of the city in full range. Considering present conditions, this paper firstly aims to provide some critical examination of the urban history of Seoul, and then attempts to investigate ideological foundations of urban establishment of Seoul from semiotic perspectives as well as diachronic representation of historical changes in its urban space. In order to project semiotic and humanistic viewpoint within the historical evolution of urban space in Seoul, this paper will present urban semiotic descriptions of Seoul’s unique process of modernity as a metropolis. The historical identity and signification of Seoul has been effaced successively and thus fallen into obscurity. Therefore, my research is to discover and illuminate how to make a city a more ‘human place’, which can proceed from historical amnesia to the memorable city.


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    Current Events of Henri Meschonnic
    Alexandre Eyries
    EPISTÉMÈ 2014;12:315-323.
    This article aims to show the news of the work and concepts of Henri Meschonnic, at once linguist, sociologist, philosopher and anthropologist whose work is strikingly modern and contribute significantly to the anthropological reflection on the communication process, especially from the consideration of the relationships between orality and sociality.
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