Companies face many losses knowledge during retirement, transfer, resignation of their employees. The problems related to poor circulation of knowledge management and increase the risk of errors in the work. As part of a reflection conducted in organizations, the transmission of knowledge is defined as a largely dependent relationship of exchange of the learning environment. This article is part of a technological process of restitution of knowledge according to the methodology of grounded theory (Glaser, Strauss, 1967) with five companies deplores many failures in the learning activity. Managers have valued the use of technology without even considering a different approach of the potential role of technological transmission (Baujard, 2010). “The missions become more scalable in a changing institutional framework. The structure of workforce age pyramid implies a retirement and therefore a loss massive skills”(org. B). This is how and to what extent technological processes determine the transmission of knowledge while considering how the actors within these organizations use and perceive it to change and make sense of organizational learning. The context (1) is an opportunity to consider the complexity of the social environment in work activities (2). The discussion of results will be an opportunity to raise theoretical shortcomings of our methodology in the light of the object of study (3). Technological transmission coordinates various functions necessary to the challenges of Learning in Organizations (4).