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If we think about aesthetics, we see that there are many definitions and interpretations. With the most well-known definition, there are still comments on aesthetics, which is known as beautiful, useful, and pleasing, and this is normal. Since aesthetics is a pleasant field of study, it opens vast doors for those interested in it. Aesthetic understanding can offer different perspectives according to societies. Aesthetics offers an artistic point of view and awakens emotions by appealing to human beings. Straying from its known purpose and definition, we now see that aesthetics is used in advertisements to make products more attractive by affecting human consciousness. Before showing purchasing behaviour, the buyer looks at whether the product appeals to his/her lifestyle, identity and status as well as appealing to his/her needs and buys or does not buy the product according to these features. For this reason, aesthetic concerns come into play for marketers. As it is known, television commercials are one of the types of advertisements that mobilise the emotions of the audience the most. From this point of view, the use of aesthetics in Turkish television commercials is discussed in this study. Firstly, a general framework of aesthetics is drawn and then the relationship between advertising and aesthetics is emphasised. The study endeavours to understand the appearance, construction and positioning of aesthetics in Turkish television commercials. For this purpose, at the end of the study, the aesthetic appearance of an advertisement film selected by random sampling method is presented.
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Children's drawings are one of the most important productive actions that enable the child to establish relationships with his environment and the outside world. Each picture drawn contains a piece of the child himself. Because he tries to express his inner world, his way of thinking, his relationship with his environment, and any problems he has; through his paintings. Therefore, due to their iconic qualities, they have a semiotic function and enable the child to be recognized and understood by those around him. As a means of communication or a sign that mediates communication, children's drawings also have aesthetic properties. Aesthetic appreciation in children's drawings transcends traditional norms. It's not about technical proficiency but about the purity of expression. A child's artwork often exudes a raw authenticity, unburdened by societal conventions, which resonates deeply with viewers. In this study, we would like to consider the importance of drawing, which is one of the semiotic function areas of communication in children, the aesthetic aspects of drawings, and how children communicate through drawing.
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