Children's drawings are one of the most important productive actions that enable the child to establish relationships with his environment and the outside world. Each picture drawn contains a piece of the child himself. Because he tries to express his inner world, his way of thinking, his relationship with his environment, and any problems he has; through his paintings. Therefore, due to their iconic qualities, they have a semiotic function and enable the child to be recognized and understood by those around him. As a means of communication or a sign that mediates communication, children's drawings also have aesthetic properties. Aesthetic appreciation in children's drawings transcends traditional norms. It's not about technical proficiency but about the purity of expression. A child's artwork often exudes a raw authenticity, unburdened by societal conventions, which resonates deeply with viewers. In this study, we would like to consider the importance of drawing, which is one of the semiotic function areas of communication in children, the aesthetic aspects of drawings, and how children communicate through drawing.