Human beings are naturally inclined towards beauty in terms of taste and senses. This situation has led people to try to evince beauty through their artistic creations. In this context, each community has aesthetic values and elements that are unique to its own culture to understand or reveal beauty. Depending on culture, the aesthetic understanding of each community, nation, or civilization also differs because all the values, beliefs, and traditions inherited from the ancestors can be considered the source of the aesthetics of that society. According to Günay, “culture is a complex structure that encompasses religious beliefs, art, everything that people make, produce, create, learn, and teach” (Günay, 2016, p. 54). It can also be said that the concepts of aesthetics and literature also constitute one of the sub-systems of culture because both concepts appear as a result of human artistic production. Therefore, a work of literature is considered a work of art and has an artistic value in terms of aesthetics. “Like every work of art, a work of literature reveals itself with its aesthetics and intellectual load” (Timuqin, 2013, p. 16). Accordingly, in Turkish literature as a production of Turkish culture, it is possible to see aesthetic elements pertaining to the values of the society in terms of worldview or societal structure in particular times of Turkish history. That is why some concepts such as sublimity, grotesque, tragic, understanding of comic and beauty, etc. also constitute the aesthetic perception of Turkish literature. Hence, this study aims to trace some patterns and motives in Sabahattin Ali's selected narratives within the book titled “Yeni Dünya” [New World] in terms of aesthetics. Selective narratives will be examined from various aesthetic aspects to gain an understanding of the reflection of artistic qualities and to reflect the social perception of the period. Through close reading and examination of Sabahattin Ali's narratives, it will be tried to explore how some aesthetic concepts, elements, or patterns contribute to the overall aesthetic experience of the narratives.
In addition to historical consciousness, ‘culture’ is another area where important foundations are laid between the past, the present, and the future, which is transmitted across generations and plays an important role in the construction of social identity. In general terms, ‘culture’ is a special social space that each society constructs within itself and a system of values produced within this space. The field where this system of values is established is the social field. The most important characteristic of this field is that people belonging to a certain land, flag, identity, thought, and environment have learned to live and produce together. One of the most important contributions of such learning is the construction of cultural identity, that is, social memory. Today, when we think of the term ‘culture,’ we think of all the material and spiritual values of a nation, including both written and unwritten works. For instance, Kutadgu Bilig is one of the significant works that has made critical contributions to the development of Turkish literature and cultural heritage. It is highly critical regarding language, meaning, and aesthetics and is a worthy reference artwork in terms of learning about Turkish culture, lifestyle, and thought. Accordingly, this study attempts to interpret Yusuf Has Hacib’s work of art and the essential ideas in his masterpiece within the aesthetic value and meaning framework.