Solid relationships between aesthetics and ethics are always discussed, as so are many complex ramifications between the sensible and the intelligible. The question comes to enrich a third term which is often set back from these basic polarities: the aesthesia, the world of the senses, sensations, which are intended to cooperate. Schematically, it creates a fundamental relationship between aesthesia (sensations), aesthetic (forms) and ethics (values), which governs the approach of the sensible world and directs a complex issue such as the representation taste, the taste sensation, emotion gourmet, in terms of communication. It is understood that the heart of the semiotization process of taste, served by new technologies which are defined as aesthetic, must deal with strategies of the indexical representation in connection with the aesthesia and the sensations of taste. The simplest way is to articulate the purpose of aesthesia, assuming that the logic of representation is deployed in the registered aesthetics in order to represent the flavor and the form of system with guaranteed consistency and uniformity in the figurative strategies. However, it is not able to think a possible system to articulate aesthesia, synesthesia, hyperesthesia, and anesthesia with aesthetic resources outside of food life forms ethically at this time.