During years, the experts, the observers and the analysts of any edges did not stop regretting the disillusionment of the world (according to Max Weber) and predicting the end of the big fables so mystic as mythical and the big religious stories in the profit of a bigger « technicization » of the globalized and communicating society. Now a recent phenomenon deserves all our attention: the societal reappearance under very diverse forms of the liturgical and the religious within a society referring of rational economic, scientific and technological. It is in fact the powerful resurgence of the sacred that, following the example of the phenomenon of the return of the repressed person in psychoanalysis, never shows itself exactly where we wait for it and contributes ― with a new energy ― to move the criteria of its own definition and to cultivate new territories among which the communication occupies an essential axis. This article thus suggests thinking together of the sacred and the communicating relation to try to establish a new ethics. The sacred having invaded our information society where it appears as an instrument of persuasion of a formidable efficiency. And so the complex industrial objects and the communicating machines gradually replaced all over the world the polytheistic divinities and the God of the monotheist religions. The requirement of a deepened reflection around the concepts of "communication" and "sacred" leads by an analysis of the links weaved with the technologies of information and the communication. Does the sacred communication become the horizon of a new utopia? If yes, it is necessary to determine secondly the sensory and physical stumbling blocks with which she can be confronted. From then on, is imperative the necessity of exceeding the mixture between the communication and the sacred by the elaboration of a communicating ethics.