The aim of this contribution is to provide lines of thought about someconcepts involved in making sens by individual, when him represents thereal-life urbanspace. Cognitive and semantic process takes place throughsensory experience which the individual has in the space, from themulti-sensory perception of it. The individual is an agent since hisexperience, of and in the space, is connected to hisactions and practices. The image of the city which ensues from it, then proceeds at the sametime of the interpretation of the materiality of the city (spatial identity)and the way the agent gets in touch with the space and with others(individual and/or shared identity). Habitus, practices, capitalization of pastexperiences, sensory perception, expectations, spatio-temporal context, ... are so many elements influencing the sens making process whichunderlies thechoices of actions. Understanding the dynamic process of urban spaces semantization,allows to seize better the current manners to appropriate evolving spaces,in spatial and social and cultural way.