Nostalgia, originally a psychological term, is a recurrent concept in the literary works. The meaning of the term encompasses homesickness, regret for past, and a desire for an earlier time. The immigrant authors have also dealt with the theme of nostalgia to a great extent. In this article, the authors by choosing the Shemiran house, the novel written by Goli taraghi Persian contemporary immigrant writer, aims to respond to the following question by adopting post ─ Greimassian approaches to semiotics. How and under what circumstances nostalgia would be considered as semiotic and discursive mediation? How it would be possible to establish a relationship between this notion and the question of identity in the host culture? In the light of theoretical frame work of tensive semiotics, cultural mediation and semiosphere theory of Lotman, the hypothesizes of this article in one hand prove that nostalgia creates a tensive zone which is temporally and spatially bounded and on the other hand it causes the transmission of values to the present time of enunciator which results in the scission of being and the challenge between Self and I. The interaction of guest and host semiosphers leads to the formation of a hybrid identity as well.