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Teleworking and containment during the Covid-19 pandemic : situation, experience, professional identity

EPISTÉMÈ 2020;23:19-52.
Université de Lille 3
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Teleworking during a confinement period, suddenly implemented in France on March 17, 2020, has been in the news for the past few weeks. Research fields on telework have frequently been the opportunity to present promising benefits for employees : time savings due to the absence of travail, work-life balance, flexible working hours, silent environment in order to escape the noisy demands of repetitive word. The deployment of digital relationships and the daily congestion in large cities reinforce these expectations. Il the need to protect the health of employees in order to ensure a certain balance between the modality of remote work and the protection of privacy, no study has taken into account the telework imposed in the context of suprecedented confinement. The challenges of social isolation and damage to professional psychological health are an opportunity to reflect on homowork, especially when it is based on recourse without preparation and without prior consultation. In this context, the human consequences are difficult to grasp, the phenomina of resilience juste as much. This means that feedback is essential to undestand situation for employees in confinement. How does the development of the continuity of remote work during a pandemic pose a social risck for employees ? How does the organization pay attention to the employees forced by the situation ? What work from the experience of employees can we produce for scientific research ? An exploratory approach has led to favorient a reflection of Grounded Theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) type relatively open to secondary sources (newpapers, television programs, internet). Then we proceedet to the coding of the transcribed interviews and to the writing of explanatory memos which allow to keep the thoughts, the comments to explore. Howewer, we cannot yet envisage the full scope of the form of improvised or clandestine organization of the work of employees constrained by the health situation which will emerge from this unprecedented situation in periods of confinement. In any cas, it appears that the lack of preparation of this particular experience for unknown circumstances becomes an identity analyzer of the practice of teleworking of tomorrow.