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Shaping a Landscape of Art Network in the Korean Contemporary Arts Since the 2000s

EPISTÉMÈ 2014;11:237-255.
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This article aims to introduce and analyze the alternative values of art network started to be mainly considering in contemporary art scene in South Korea since the 2000s especially cases of Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Yangachi and Rho Jae Oon. These three artists have experimented and established outstanding achievements in an alternative art network called Net Art. Founded in 1999, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries has shown text based works over the www.yhchang.com. Their works take a one-way conversation towards the audience. They deal with layers of the post-capitalism society. Yangachi shows a strong tendency as a positive and proactive activists by posing himself as a B-grade artist. Since 2002 he has steadily remarked about the problems of government, international politics and the community over the Internet. The project in the late 2000s suggests the third area in Korea and attempts the aesthetic consideration about the media environment along with rich narratives. Rho Jae Oon began to discover the possibilities of virtual space since the mid-1990s when the Internet network started to be constructed. He launched C21PICTURES in the virtual space in 2000 and started to produce pseudo-films. The audience connected to his web environment could obtain the possibilities to reconsider the visuality in our times. Bykeeping distance from the general art network of institutional structure, their works point the spectrum of modality for today’s art scene inKorea.