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The Modernity of Corporeal Images in the East Asian Films

EPISTÉMÈ 2014;11:185-204.
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The purpose of this essay is to aim to classify the East Asian Films of the 1930’s into the changing pattern of the behaviour. After all, toanalyze this, it was very important to know that the body in the Films is very closely connected with the symptom of the contemporary times. If so, what is the behaviour in the Film? To make this question clearly, I first intend to consider the idea about “underlying” the body onthe film. As a result of this ‘Underlying’, this would show that the Film desire the body. But the body is not the name for its own a person. As it were, it can be said that the body is not so much a person of a subject entirely contained within the individual will but a movement of an object entirely contained within the things on earth. If so, again, why does the Film want the movement or locomotion? This creates the message from the time. Thus, the Film and the Time have been become more and more pursued the movement as time-image, so that they put the behavior into the film. This implies that the Film reveal the concreted message through the movement which is materialized by the body in Film. The reason that the film wants the body is for the Mass as the movement.