This article has a thema of the rigid line on the film of Ozu Yaszirowho has been re-evaluated by capturing the message aboutIndustrialization for Japan with film aesthetics. To Ozu, Film is extremely the space of Geometric line for filmaesthetics. Therefore, these facts prove that Yasujirō Ozu has wanted tobuild the value of the 'order'. The order signifies the hierarchy throughsymmetry and proportion. When he fixed the camera, these things can doenough to paly a role which makes us obey the rules. These facts exquisitely caused huge synergies by correspondence withpostwar Japan. In his films, to imply vertical and horizontal lines waseligible for injecting 'worthy of order' or 'worthy of repeating'. Also, the views like the steel frame structures and a factory chimneyand Japanese style house show not just a landscape but the ideology ofrigid industrialization. In my opinion, his films not only representeveryday but also suggest to obey the rules as structure of Industrialarchitecture.