Digital tools are everywhere: they occupy a great part of our day even all of it, whoever we are and wherever we are. At the end of 2016, we will reach the number of 3.5 billions of Internet users worldwide, including 48 millions in France. The French people have never used so many digital devices and one of the most common uses is the digital communication. This digital communication is pluri-semiotic: it’s done by voice, by image and by writing. This kind of numerical writing is what we are interested in this article. We will explain what these kind of writers produce with it: - A variety of handwriting composed of “écrilectes” (Laroussi & Liénard, 2013; Liénard, 2014a); - “Technological discursive traces” (Paveau, 2013) being all of them a sort of identity marks (Bevilacqua, 2016); - Or a handwriting variation from a particular language, sometimes, "among other languages" (Laroussi & Liénard, 2008, Liénard, 2014b). This last aspect, in particular, it will lead us to focus our interest in the numerical writing of multilingual writers. Based on Jim Cummins’ works (1984, 2000), we will try to describe the Mahoran’s literacy skills who write this type of language nowadays, and write the languages of Mayotte in the digital networks.