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Tri-origin theory-based analysis in game images : focusing on occupations and weapons in characters

EPISTÉMÈ 2017;18:175-199.
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A game, especially, a game with roles must be organized in harmony with members, where attacks and defenses should be properly performed to win in constant battles and to exist in the game world. In order to fulfill one’s role faithfully, a tool capable of realizing the character's ability is needed. In a game, weapons are used with the most representative tools, and attack types and strategies vary depending on the shapes and types of weapons. Also, weapons are the most important items that symbolize players and used as a measure to show their strength. Players are constantly engaged in battles to obtain better weapons. Games related researches in the meantime show that one of the biggest influences on game success is a balance. Generally, game balance refers to a combat ability and the equipment between character occupations (roles). Therefore, analyzing the relationship between the characters’ occupations and weapons is an important task. This study was conducted to suggest a methodology for analyzing the relationship between occupations and weapons in game characters by analyzing games using the tri-origin theory. The tri—origin used in this study is a prototypical concept that inherits and develops the traditional Oriental Yin-Yang theory, and explains the fundamental elements of the world with three powers. The tri-origin theory is an analytical tool for analyzing the relationships, which are not found through the existing numerical analysis or quantitative analysis. In three existing concepts such as Homo, Hetero, and Neutro. In a game, the outcome of a battle is determined depending on how well each role is harmonized according to the occupation and on the setting of the relationship between occupations and weapons. Victory is a result from the harmonious combination of Hetero as an attack and Homo as a defense harmonize, corresponding to Neutro. Therefore, in order to set up a successful game, it is needed to analyze the game in depth. This will then make it possible to design and interpret a game successfully.