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The Role of ‘Political Trust’ in Science Communication: Focusing on ‘K-Quarantine Evaluation’ on COVID 19

EPISTÉMÈ 2021;26:55-81.
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Public evaluation of national policy acts as an important factor in maintaining or replacing the government in the upcoming election. The same is true of scientific policy evaluations, including high-tech and medical care. In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, the national evaluation of “K-Quarantine” in the medical science field can also serve as an important variable in the operation of the democratic system. 1) How do sovereign citizens evaluate “K-Quarantine”? 2) How much influence does the ‘political trust’ factor have in the scientific communication of COVID-19 and ‘K-Quarantine’ evaluation? 1,000 citizens participated in an internet survey and the results were analyzed. The mean score of “K-Quarantine Evaluation” was 5.595 out of 10, indicating that the public holds a slightly positive view on “K-Quarantine”. Research Hypothesis 1 states that “The more people support Moon Jae’s government, the more positively they will evaluate ‘K-Quarantine’”. After conducting regression analysis on the survey result, it was found that the evaluation of “K-Quarantine” also increased as the “political trust” of “Moon Jae in government support” increased. Research hypothesis 1 was supported by the survey. Research Hypothesis 2 states that “support for Moon Jae’s government” will have a greater influence on the “K-Quarantine evaluation”, which is more controversial than those with less debates in the public sphere such as “tracking the path of confirmed patients”. Four less controversial dependent variables were “vaccine stability”, “tracking the path of confirmed patients”, “QR certification”, and “smart city surveillance society” Regression analysis conducted on the data showed that the “political trust” variable of “support for Moon Jae’s government” had greater influence on “K-Quarantine evaluation” than the other four dependent variables. Research hypothesis 2 was also supported. The results were consistent with the effect of national gathering that the people support the government and its leaders in times of national crisis. As previous studies have shown, the “political trust” factor played a more important role in controversial issues. Even in issues regarding the communication of science and technology that require strict knowledge and information, the ‘political trust’ factor played an important role.