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A study on Perceptions of Education Using AI in the Post-Corona Era

EPISTÉMÈ 2021;26:115-128.
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Due to the corona pandemic, interest in technology-based education such as AI-based education and edutech is in the spotlight, and the operation of a curriculum that meets the educational goals of learners is emerging as the key. In particular, Korea has been nurturing professional manpower through the operation of the Graduate School of Education from 2020 to nurture professional teachers for AI-using education. In this study, a survey on perceptions of AI-using education (curriculum) and education policy necessary to revive interest in AI education was conducted for 500 men and 500 women. They consist of 200 people each for each age group (20s to 60s). First, as an advantage of AI-based education, it was found that there is a high expectation for the possibility of individualized education using AI. I was able to confirm that it was recognized as Second, as a disadvantage of AI-using education, it was confirmed that both men and women expressed “concerns about the emergence of AI technology that replaces teachers” Disadvantages (concerns) of AI-using education by age group include “concerns about the emergence of AI technology instead of teachers”, “distrust of AI-based learner-tailored learning”, and “personal information leakage for AI-based careers (advancement)” has been displayed It can be seen that more attention and preparation are needed for the shortcomings of AI-based education. Lastly, in the survey on the perception of education (curriculum) and education policy required to conduct AI-using education, it was found that 1 to 8 items agreed with the detailed elements necessary for AI-using education. Moreover, the 60s actively expressed their opinions about ethics education, a dedicated teacher training system, new textbooks and appropriate teaching methods. Through this, it was confirmed that the higher the age group, the more concerns and rejection of AI-using education, and the need to establish a device for a safer educational environment, and the need for education (curriculum) and education policy for this purpose were confirmed. This study will be able to form a consensus on the need for education using AI, which is necessary in the recent post-corona era, and contribute to the design and substantiation of specific education (curriculum) and education policy necessary to specifically prepare AI-using education.