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La responsabilité sociale: les campagnes sociales roumaines sur les réseaux sociaux

EPISTÉMÈ 2022;27:69-86.
Université « Dunărea de Jos » de Galaţi, Roumanie
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This article aims to emphasize, through an analysis of the communication methods and channels, the discursive implications of the commitment sense of two Romanian non-profit organizations acting in the field of cancer. Through a communicational approach of Social Responsibility, we propose to analyze the challenges of digital mediation linked to the phenomenon of physical and especially psychological recovery of children with oncological conditions. The content analysis of the Facebook page of the Romanian associations “Dăruieşte viaţă” / [Give life] and MagiCamp, as well as their Youtube channels and the blogs of the two organizations, allows us to distinguish some types of interactions in the process of the commitment: messages of impetus, actions implemented, permanent contact with the people who are beyond all the scaffolding, these are issues of communication and social responsibility. Micro-narratives linked to the actions “on the ground” of real actors are part of a socio-digital hypernarratology. The construction of a hospital as well as other actions linked to the psycho-emotional recovery of children suffering from oncological diseases become reasons for public discursive commitment and social responsibility. 40 messages published by the associations seek to distinguish the narrative modalities called upon to share the sense of social responsibility on social networks.