The first and original series of Hababam Class films are important productions that humorously introduce Turkish culture and the young generation of the young Türkiye of that period, their problems, expectations, perceptions of life, positive and negative aspects. The films adapted from Rıfat Ilgaz's book series Hababam Class were released as six films between 1975 and 1981, followed by five films between 2004 and 2021. In this study, the first series of six films between 1975-1981 will be analyzed in terms of the relationship between place and narrative. The place, which gains meaning with the presence of facts, events and characters, and its framework in the narrative, is also able to directly affect the series of events in the film. It has not been overlooked that the interior and exterior of the Hababam Class films, regarded as cult series in Turkish cinema history, are a special dramatic element that influences the plot, tension and emotions of the characters, and that connection between the spatial frame and the narrative has been intuited by the audience in every film. Therefore, the representation of the places in the film and their indicators of the time-memory relationship express both the real and the fictional in the narrative through a series of connections. In this study, based on Umberto Eco's view that "the perception of place is directly dependent on cultural codes", a semiotic analysis of the places in the Hababam Class movies has been made based on Barthes' principles of plain meaning and connotation. It has been determined that the place indicators in these films take place as an important element in the narrative.