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‘Horse’ as A Symbol Reflected from Cultural Memory in The Poem Called At (The Horse) of Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel

EPISTÉMÈ 2023;29:31-58.
Başkent University, Ankara, Türkiye
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Culture, which can be defined as the lifestyle of a nation, is the sum and whole of social experiences and learning. Considering the connotations of the concept of memory such as storage and preservation, it is possible to say that cultural memory provides the continuity of cultural elements in an impersonal area. Cultural memory, with its dynamic structure, includes actions such as “recollection, ‘repetition’ and ‘reviving/keeping alive’ in ensuring the continuity of cultural elements. Literary texts from oral culture to written culture often include these actions by fulfilling a formant function. Therefore, considering literary texts as reflection areas of cultural memory and making analyzes on cultural elements and symbols is one of the text analysis methods. In Turkish culture, ‘horse’ is an important cultural element. As a result of the living conditions brought by the steppe culture in the Turks, the ‘horse’ has become an important part of life and has become one of the main figures of cultural memory in relation to many emotions, thoughts and dreams. Even the existence of many idioms and proverbs about horse in Turkish alone explains the place of horse in cultural memory. Also, horse is one of the cultural symbols that is repeated in many oral, written and visual texts and in various branches of art, and remains alive as it is repeated. Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel (1898-1973) used horse allegorical in relation to the Turkish nation in his poem called At (The Horse) (1919), which he wrote during the War of Independence, one of the milestones in Turkish history. In the poem, the horse appears with a symbolism that represents the Turkish nation and the ‘independent’ character of the Turkish nation with references to the historical conditions of the First World War (1914-1918) and War of Independence (1919-1923). In this context, in this study, poem called The Horse of Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel is considered as a cultural memory area and horse is examined as a ‘cultural symbol’. The image of horse drawn in the poem is examined in historical and socio-cultural dimensions and evaluated in the context of the place of horse in Turkish culture.