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Perception of Historical Turkish Identity in Korean Cinema The Example of “Ashin of North”

EPISTÉMÈ 2023;29:59-80.
Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, Türkiye
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Korean society is one of the rare nations that brings tradition and the future together. They used the power of development to interpret tradition. While examining the past and presenting it to today's society with various tools, they also reflected the observations and perceptions of other societies with which the Korean people interacted. Recently, the interest and success of Korean cinema in historical subjects has attracted attention. It is observed that in these films, depending on the periods, various Turkish origin tribes and lineages are mentioned, they are processed in many ways, evaluated in terms of society, origin and life, and presented to today's audience. The event takes place in and around a village where the Turkish-origin Jurcen live in the border region. The border divided the Cürcan villages into two. The protagonist of the movie is a little girl living in a Curcan village ruled by the Korean Joseson dynasty. He often crosses the forbidden border region in search of ginseng, the "miracle herb said to resurrect the dead," so that his sick mother can be healed. The Jurceans mentioned in this film are a community whose origins are disputed, but whose Altaic language is undoubted. It is based on the revenge of a girl whose village was raided and all her relatives were killed. However, this historical event is supported by another side event that can be seen as fantastic today and the subject is enriched. In this article, a few basic films of Korean cinema were taken under scrutiny and the way of life of Turkish tribes in these films, how they were handled and how they were shown, especially through the example of "Ashin of North". Historical reality, fictional presentation, the harmony or incompatibility of these two, the perception of historical Turkish societies formed through Korean cinema constitute our analysis.