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Proper Nouns as Cultural Values in Turkish Proverbs and Idioms

EPISTÉMÈ 2023;29:209-232.
Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, Türkiye
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Language and language-specific structures, words, and idioms used by a society are an integral part of its culture. They reflect the cultural values of the society, and play an essential role in the transfer of these values to future generations. Quotations, idioms, and proverbs in a language are particularly decisive in this regard, and are the subject of many studies, both linguistic and cultural. Proverbs and idioms, in particular, are of great interest to scholars studying culture and language. In this study, we focused on the role of proper names in proverbs and idioms, and their importance in cultural transmission. We examined the meanings and significance of these special names in various proverbs and idioms, and attempted to determine their underlying meanings. Through a scanning method, we identified the names of people and places used in proverbs and idioms, and analyzed the proverbs and idioms in which they appeared. We also provided the meanings of these names in the sources, and discussed their significance in the context of the proverb or idiom. Although the number of proverbs and idioms with proper names is quite high, it is been limited in this study to those in which the same proper name was repeated multiple times. By focusing on these, we were able to gain a deeper understanding of the signs and meanings of these proper names, and their role in cultural transmission. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the importance of proverbs, idioms, and proper names in cultural studies, and highlights the need for further research in this area.