The new technologies of information and communication are carriers of a genuine revolution. This revolution was sudden, and changed every area of social and private life. These Technologies Information and Communication (ICT) have been able to find "niches of use", unthinkable fifteen years ago, in the political,relational, artistic, educational and economic areas, among others. This issue of Epistémè invites researchers from all disciplinary backgrounds to give their theoretical views on these 'ICT' now essential in our lives, but also in our intellectual concerns, and in our ways of producing knowledge, both personally and collectively.
It has been pointed out that one of the keys of Modern Times was the circumnavigation. The explorers discovered the new worlds and expanded the ways of their contemporaries. Can't we say that the discovery of a New World is happening again in our days by the electronic navigation? The rebellion of the imagination is vividly manifested in the role plays, discussion forums, individual home pages and blogs and other 'ICT', where fantasies and other phantasmagoria occupy most of the space and time. In this regard, it is instructive to note that the imagination and the collective dream will become the standards of the cyberspace. Technological development that had contributed to the isolation of individuals, is now reversed into its opposite, and contributes to a new reliance: being always in contact, in union, and being connected.
Why is there a distinction between information and communication?More precisely, is information a discipline mostly concerned with machines, tools, engineering? Based on the analysis of the congress proceedings of the French Society for Information and Communication Science (SFSIC), we shall contest this viewpoint. Among the documents examined we have concentrated on papers concerning technologies and machines. This particular topic brings to light the question of how information and communication are linked in France, and that of the cohesion of the discipline. It forms a sort of junction of our scientific constructions.
Although it seems unthinkable, and may be even impossible, to connect people without the link of social networks, Facebook appears nowadays like a locker-room between reality and fantasy. Thus, more than 30% of European teenagers stay in touch with «their friends on line» almost 24/7. Close encounter with an epidemic process, that some may call a new plague...
There are many ICTs and they have promoted the emergence of various uses. This leads to pluri-semiotic communication uses where writing is very important. The language writing, from French language in this case, has always covered major issues that are abused by such practices of Frenzy electronic writing. This article attempts to summarize the uses, the electronic scriptural practices and their impact on the French society.
The present communication proposed to wonder about the artistic education and particularly music teaching at the age of new technologies. In effect, these last induced deep mutations modified notably the modes of relationship. Today, specialized artistic education of music seems to be preserved from this twister. In effect, throughout long tradition of transmission, a musical educational relationship has been interactive between a teacher and a student. This traditional way of interactive music education is considered classical. However, such classical style of transmission has never attempted the new technologies of information and communication (NICT). Therefore, we will focus on the artistic teaching style found in conservatory could be partially or entirely delegates to NICT? And if in opposition, the pedagogic interaction in her sensible dimension as well as the initiatory dimension could stay at her predominating place? Signed by a musician teacher in a National Conservatory, this article will support a certain state of the art on this topic and on an analysis of ethnographic type.
Here, the author questions ICTs from the social construct viewpoint in direct relationship to the notions of « trust » and of « confidence ». Indeed, how can the use of ICTs in the methods of internal communications build trust within organizations ? Would certain internal values be the foundation for the building of trust ?If, on the one hand, trust appears to be the root of all collaborative work and, on the other hand, ICTs provide to an extent a framework for exchanges, can one conclude that ICTs guarantee their transparency and create interpersonal or « organisational » trust ? What mechanism(s)explain(s) the transition from individual to shared trust ?
This paper questions the social integration of ICT in rural areas. By analyzing the specific issues faced by rural areas, as opposed to urban areas, it reveals the distinguishing criteria and the reasons behind the digital divide which can be seen to exist both socially and geographically. The paper then examines how ICT can be considered as a catalyst contributing to revitalize such rural areas.
The emergence of the new interconnected workspace will produce the effect of new WEB. The terminals of the network will be no more 2D with the reduced interactivity but a multisensory immersive space, with the greater manipulatory interactivity and with various effects of mixed reality. Installations as The Cross-Platform Graphics Library (CGLX of CALIT2) will require new management modes of the knowledge which will generate their uses. We shall wonder about the emergence of new modes of filing, correlation and semantic classification of the multimodal contents and their meta-data engendered by the exchanges using the Immersive Communicant Environments.
Some ICT are caracterised by a mythological dimension, based on the powers they offer to their users, but also on the mediatical and social tales about them. Apple as a firm has produced a tough and efficient mythological surrounding, finding their roots on the « magic » of the devices, and also on the ritualization of usings and consumption specifical to the « Apple brand ». This text analyses those magical and ritual dimensions of Apple. But it is also a contribution to the new mythological studies of postmodernity.
Digital culture does not seem to question the evidence for use of technology in the digitisation of our tasks and of our works. The notions of interactivity, accessibility, ubiquity and connectivity seem to be the most recognised properties. However, its mode of interpretation of the world, based on cybernetics, continues to come up against objectors,particularly metaphysicians. A digital way of thinking and acting thus becomes the object of a divide between two concepts of culture: the sociological and the philosophical. It is appropriate, therefore, to set out the reasons, the limits and presuppositions of this tête-à-tête, and, without claiming to be exhaustive, nor comprehensive to recount the classic concepts which are reworked by digitisation. By the same token, we could outline the approach of a digital identity as creation of possible worlds,requesting new standards for feeling and perceiving.
Norbert Wiener, in the next days of the Second World War,symbolizes intellectually speaking, the industrial, scientific and military dominion of the U.S.A.. He had elaborated, in 1938, a new theory, the cybernetics, which benefited from an international broadcasting in 1950. In the heart of this doctrine appear the interactions between energy and information as well as the concepts of entropy, redundancy, feedback and regulation. Directly stemming from the engineering, the cybernetics conceives as identical information exchanges uttered and received by machines and/or humans beings. By 1960, this theory took such a scale in the intellectual circles as his designer worried about it publicly. He did not wish that his scientific work guarantees for decision-making by the thinking and communicating machines on the place of the humans beings.