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Volume 21; June 2019


In the mid-20th century, to make her toxic narrative more meaningful, Rachel Carson presented an allegory of a pastoral American town in her book Silent Spring (1962). At the turn of the 21st century, in the same vein, Ruth Ozeki pursues fictional toxic narratives that tackles the dangers of the meet industry in her first novel, My Year of Meats (1998) and the ones of monocultural crops in her second novel, All Over Creation (2003). Especially, in All Over Creation, she focuses on chemical poisoning and toxic bodies through the topic of monocultural potato farming. She expands the issue of toxicity to ask a fundamental question: who owns and controls life. This paper focuses on the complexities of agribusiness such as monoculture, chemical inputs, toxic bodies, as well as corporate capitalism’s attempt to own and control life through biotechnology. This paper further analyses Ozeki’s exploration of two potential methods through which individuals might intervene in this powerful corporate control of life: Japanese-American Momoko’s biodiversity garden and the Seeds of Resistance who are green guerrilla activists against genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Finally, this paper explores the significance of a fictional space created by the non-linear and non-hierarchical form of this novel.
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The number of Chinese variety shows has seen a significant increase since 2000. In this context, introducing Korean variety shows and opening up the Chinese broadcasting market had a tremendous impact. This paper has two goals: first, to study the status quo and achievements of Korean-style variety shows broadcast in China; and second, to explore the exchanges between Chinese and Korean broadcasting industries. This paper divided the introduction of Korean-style variety shows into three phases and discussed each phase in detail. The phase of introduction lasted from the introduction of variety show copyrights to the period of opposition toward the Korean Wave. The phase of expansion lasted from the introduction of copyrights to a change in the introduction format of variety shows. The phase of transition lasted from the strengthening of regulations over broadcast programs to the adoption of new models for Sino-Korean cooperation. Chinese Korean-style variety shows have made substantial achievements by 2000. However, the Chinese government regulated the broadcasting market and issued the “ban on entertainment,” the “ban on reality shows” and the “ban on child participation.” Apart from restricting the introduction of variety show copyrights, these policies enhanced the regulation over broadcast contents and performers. Although Sino-Korean political and diplomatic relations are in a deadlock, some new changes will undoubtedly take place unexpectedly. As the relations between both countries improve, the communication between Chinese and Korean programs is expected to enjoy more significant growth. It is thus necessary to pay attention to the reciprocal relations between China and Korea and implement a “win-win strategy” through communication. As Chinese variety shows keep developing, Sino-Korean cooperation will usher in joint development as well.
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A framework is provided that combines the monetary nature of value in market-based exchange and the more social and emotional nature of long-term relationships. Particular attention is given to gift giving and to business interactions based on personal relationships, as exemplified in the Chinese concept of, “guanxi”. It is argued that they constitute important forms of value creation in a broad range of societies.
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This communication aims to address the brief form in its use on Twitter. The focus is on the publications of political figures and questions what is called “sound bite”, as a brief form and according to its use on a digital sociotechnical device such as Twitter. The purpose of this paper is to show how “sound bite” is used and is usable in the construction of the image of a candidate, and how it participates in the production of link and a relationship between the politics that use it and the citizens who receive it.
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This article offers a mapping of definitions and of their application in mediation. This heuristic concept is considered here in both its historical and theoretical dimensions, as well as in what ways it is applied in companies and organizations.
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The managerial change in museums is unprecedented. Their management is entrusted to professionals whose aesthetic skills play a peripheral role in relation to recreational, educational and social functions. Ho xis the identity of consrvatives being built today ? From interviews (2018), a reflexive approach makes it possible to highlight that museum institutional membership presupposes a strong transversality of professional activity.
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In this paper we propose an analysis of European populism from the perspective of Quentin Skinner's work. We show how its triptych context-institutional centrality-legality favors a rational analysis of organizations in relation to the propositional value of statements. In this vision, a political phenomenon is understood only in relation to a historical context. After having characterized the issue of institutional decoupling, we shall propose a model exlaining the emergence and spreading of populist movements in Europe.
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A resilient child, a teenager in the quest for the self, an adult of a faltering identity, the protagonist of Visage retrouvé, written by Mouawad Wajdi is a broken individual, in continuous transformation. We underline the fragmentary dimension of this novel, which describes the mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot and the painter J.-C. Meynard. This writing abounds in the representation of the fragmentary, such as : the reconstruction of the self, the encounter with the Other, the fears, the madness, the red, the war, the withdrawal, the hybrid, the death, the exile, the bomb, the face, the memory, or the wolves. We analyze the complexity of the “I” in the novel, who wants to be perceived as a “he”, the fantasies and the visions of the decomposed self, who saves himself through painting.
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Human functioning and behavior are usually the subject of human sciences. Beyond this, they can also be explained by the natural sciences, especially physical science and its thermodynamic branch, in connection, in particular, with the principles of natural selection. In all disciplines of the humanities and the natural sciences, information plays a very important role and is, in this sense, a very strong link between these two families of sciences.
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Many insist that the cause of Brexit(Britain’s exit from the European Union: Brexit onwards) was the rush of migrants into the UK. However, they seem to neglect something that exists at a deeper level of this phenomenon. Among the possible causes of Brexit at the deeper level, the UK’s welfare contradiction is arguably one of the major ones. Thus, this paper aims to explore the relationship between Brexit and welfare contradiction. This paper suggests that deep and surface structural framework of welfare can be applied as an analytical tool. Based on this analytical tool, this article reinvestigates immigrants’ welfare and the related welfare contradiction. It covers the benefits, which are allocated to migrants in the UK based on records of National Insurance numbers, the benefits related to council flats and houses for foreign nationals, and health tourism. After these issues are discussed, this paper re-emphasizes the welfare contradiction, which is a deep structure. The implication is that the right of free movement, driven by the phenomenon of globalization, can force the reorganization of a welfare state system based on state sovereignty. Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee the right of movement to the people who are in need, not to impair the welfare state system, rather than to lower the entry barriers as a whole.
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